Sunday 18 October 2009

Day 2 - first big ride

(Hilary here as Gaz doesn't have the equipment at the mo - so this is based on his answer phone message from earlier).
Hello! A good day out today - it's very wet and muddy and my candle powered head-light isn't much use when it's peeing down. We've checked into our hotel and I've had a bath in my en-suite accommodation which I'm sharing with my room-mate, Adrian.
I'm tired but in one piece and all is well. We had our first big river experience, where we all got wet feet, wet boots and much of the day was like riding on ice.
I've had a few hairy moments with cows, goats and dogs nearly hitting me, but it's really nice and I'm enjoying it.
There are lots of smiling kids on the route and they seem to love a wave and a hoot of the horn as we pass by.
Off now for our briefing on what's coming up tomorrow......... to be continued

1 comment:

  1. Africa still has me in it grips, I dreamt that I had found my way back out with the 2nd leg, arrived at hotel only to find I had packed a bag full of towels and no kit! Even worse I had not told me wife I was going backout! If you come across a stary bag of towels out there with no rider, feel free to use em mate! Don't worry about the Nile crocs in the deeper water, they only grow to 4M in SA instead of 5M in Egypt!
    Good luck.
