Tuesday 20 October 2009

Day 4 - taking some air

Have spoken to Gaz this evening and he sounds in great spirits - brief summary of the day follows:

Wet feet again today as we travelled through three or four rivers, but I cleared them all. Infact, I haven't come off today, although I did receive quite a cheer when I took some air as we ascended up some giant steps and I went a little higher than I'd intended. There was an incredibly steep decent as well today which we negotiated with the engines off, to help with braking.

We've been out at a good pace today and taken in some fantastic views. I did nearlly hit a dog, which was rather alarming.

We delivered some mattresses off to an orphanage this morning, in preparation for our work there on Thursday.

Tomorrow will be a very technical day - I'm looking forward to it.

It's all good. x


  1. Good stuff Gaz...sounds like a real adventure..keep up he good work...Greg

  2. Good lad Gaz, keep on truckin' - Dan

  3. jude.hirons@btopenworld.com21 October 2009 at 17:45

    Glad you have met the Castle and bonding well. Hope the snoring doesn't keep everyone awake to long. J & C
