Wednesday 21 October 2009

Day 5 - steep, rocky, dusty - horrible

Latest phone update from Gaz - scribbled very quickly so hope I've captured the sentiment:

A very technical and hard day today, with lots of rivers to cross, very steep, lots of nasty roots, rocky, hot, horrible and dusty. A good morning of riding, as I didn’t fall off!

Later in the day we had a shower of rain which made it terribly greasy. At one stage I found myself in a 4feet deep groove, only about 2 feet wide, but escaped with only a minor topple off rather than a wipe-out. The outcome of this was that as I wheel-spun out I unearthing one of the other rider’s cameras – so he was extremely pleased (given that he hadn’t backed up any of his images).

One of our team had a nasty, big crash on one of the roads today, but he’s OK tonight.

We also had a serious shortage of water (rather humbling). Some of the team members took rain water with them, but I opted not to drink that, meaning I was ridiculously thirsty by lunch-time. Was able to get water from the lunch-truck, so that was good, but the only food available for lunch today was MarsBars – interesting diet choice!

My bike, along with lots of others, needs a new clutch, but that's not too bad considering all we've been through.

The plus side has been seeing whales in the sea as we road along the wild coastline. We’re still getting big cheers from the children that we pass, double handed waves get really big cheers.

We’re all really tired tonight, but thankfully I have bed to sleep in, rather than a sofa or the floor of previous nights.

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